Monday, November 29, 2010

.: upDatE - NATRAH :.

..last weekend aku berkesempatan meluangkan masa menonton teater NATRAH kat Istana Budaya, since kebetulan this week my off time jatuh on weekend..gud for me..!!and its all happened on sudden, last minute planning..seb baik ada lagi ticket yg available..

actually pd mula nyer x nk update pasal ni, since for sure ada org yg akan marah, sb x ajak diorg..I'm very sorry my dear frenz, siyes last minute planning..x sempat nk arrange kalo ikutkan I nak blik kampung, tp x dgn x sngaja nyer decided to watch NATRAH..

berbalik pd far bg aku teater ni SO-SO la..jln cter slow ckit, mybe Kak Erma [director] nk bg semua audience jelas dgn isu Natrah kot..and ada lompong2 kosong btw scenes & props transition sngt x best..but since semua pelakon2 dia mantap, Maya Karin, Liyana Jasmay, Umie Aida, Sofea Jane & etc..dpt counter blik perjalanan cter dia..

and part pling x best sb diorg miming..x nyanyi live..neway, ttp enjoy dat nite..gud job Erma Fatima..

p/s: Sofea Jane sngt la best..sangt in character.. =)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

.: hOpELeSs :.

....i can't think properly, sit properly, and the worst part is i'm so confuse..!!am i walk along the journey myself??did you try to understand even once??...

anyhow, i'm done..!!

.: tHaNx yOu sO muCh!! :.

yeah..!! i got a gift, and its from my best frenz SADDAM, thanx a lot my dear for the tau2 jer my perfumes collection da ko tambahkn my collection kan..hehe

kat atas ni is my gift..BURBERRY perfume, bau dia keras ckit..differ dr apa yg aku ada, but I like it so now I got 2 BURBERRY'S in my collection =)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

.: sELaLu mCm Ni :.

..last week i juz bought a new brand perfume for me, since suma perfumes yg ada dlm koleksi dah menghampiri titisan terakhir..mana x nyer, pakai jer pandai, beli baru x pandai..haha =p

since aku plak jenis yg x reti nk stay pd satu jenis perfume je, mesti try laen2 perfume each time nk beli perfume except my jantung hati PACO RABBANE: BLACK XS..ini wajib ada dlm koleksi, tiada tolak banding this time, i bought BURBERRY: THE BEAT..actually da lama mengidam perfume ni, tp selalu diketepikan sb senantiasa dikaburi oleh perfumes laen yg hebat godaan nyer..kalo x silap, I've planning 3 tymes to have this, but dikalahkan oleh 1)BLVGARY: OMNIA 2)SALVATORE FERRAGAMO 3)PACO RABBANE: BLACK XS [since stock lama da habis..hehe]

and today, aku beli mgzne GLAM Lelaki (gambar Chef Wan)..kt dlm ada disisipkan tester new perfume from BLVGARY, dan masalahnyer tersangat la my taste..!! rasa cam menyesal la plak da beli perfume BURBERRY tu, kalo tyme belajar xpe, leh beli lg duit xde cmtment lain..skrg mna bleh, kna mnge duit btol2 okay..byk bnda nk settle..

xpe2..habiskn stock yg mana ada dulu, then baru kita beli yg ni plak ek (ayat sedapkan hati)..hehe

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

.: jaKuN LaWaT iPoH :.

haha..title x leh blah..saje jer actly, cari publisiti murahan.. =p

ok, seperti yg dijanjikan..its picture's tyme, but kalau quality x bagus sorry i juz grab from fb, x sure bila bleh jmpa disebabkn membara2 nk update blog, grab pun grab la..hehe =p

..oTw maSa peRGi..
..sB sUma giLa gmBr, DSLR fuNcTiOn's liKe cOmpaCt cmEra..

..bERgaMbaR keNanGAn nGaN yaTiE + raShiD..

..sEsi bERsiAr2..
lOkaSi tERjaHan: KeLLie'S caStLe

..gaMbaR cAndiD, gELaK hiPokRit..

..piCtUre oF tHe yEar'10..
..laGi mEriaH & sOnok kLau sUma gENg sEmuT meRah aDa..

..koNoN nyEr poSe aLa moDeL, hEhE =p ..

..EriN dGn poSe aLa moDeL nyER..

..nGaN maK cIk zaHrEeNa..

so enjoy yourself..cronology perjalanan malas nk buat, tgok gmbar je la kay..hehe =p
Justify Full

Saturday, November 6, 2010

.: 3rD nOv ~ iTs mY 24tH biRthDay..!! :.

walaupun sudah 3 hari berlalu..hari ini bru berkesempatan untuk aku update segala bagai yg berlaku..hehe, minta maap la..eden busy ckit 2-3 menjak ni.. =p

so as usual, every year on 3rd of nov..i'm raining with a lot of wishes..!!hehe, so this year berduyun2 besday wishes masuk tru fb mahupun SMS..starting from 10.49 p.m. on 2nd of nov until today..(kalah mawi dowh, haha.!! =p) million of thnx to my besties, frenz & family..thnx for keep reminding my DOB..[evntgh ada gak yg tgok fb dulu bru ingt..hehe, jnji wish kan..hehe]

..tHe pLaCE wE cELeBraTe iT..

umur da menginjak ke satu tahap dimana fikiran sudah seharusnyer matang & dah boleh berfikir secara perasaan nk celebrate besday pun x terasa sngt, lgpun da jauh dri kawan2, tambahan pula masing2 da busy ngn comittment masing2..nk2 hari bekerja plak tu..

anyhow..dat why we call besties is always the besties..suddenly ERIN sms me; "Besday boy, awak blik kerja bt apa?"..since i da decide tok hantar my sis nk blik kg, alang2 nk beli tket for me tok blik kg gak dis week, then i've decide not to pegi anywhere else ptg x sedap hati plak bila diorg yg bru jer hbiskn stressful moment diorg due to PTK exam..mempelawa me to join them in PJ/S.Alam area, semata2 nk blanja me mkan..pkir punyer pkir, i change my mind to join them..

yg suweet nyer, ERIN offer diri tok drive by her car all the way tok pegi makan..rupa2 nyer, he drove me to OU..itu da area Damansara, bkn seperti yg dijanjikan..hehe, and rupa2 nyer yatie, rashid & adli will join us too..zahreena & others i'm not sure since they dont even mention their name..but indeed, i'm hoping that all semut merah gang will gather at dat tyme..neway, i realized dat was impossible.. :[

..tHanX my dEaR EriN, yaTiE, raShiD, aDLi & zAh (tOmpaNG cELebRatE dR jaUh)..

..tHanX fOr tHE dOnutS tOo..

at OU, we makan2 + gossip2 + ckp2 pasal future +++ at GARDEN, Life style store & cafe..thnx guys for belanja me Chiken delicious..!! (pronounce it dis way: syiken we having meaningful tyme together gather watching As We Know It..

and talk about watching movies, trust me or not..this is my 3rd movie after watching Avatar & Alice In Wonderland..lately mmg jarang gila r tngok wayang..

..a giFt fRom eRiN, hOt fRom LoNdoN kaY, heHe..

ape2 pun..i'm proud of my self sb still having a gud frnz yg still ambil berat bout me..nk2 plak dpt tau dr Erin, Zah yg push diorg celebrate my besday sb dia x dapat much thanx my dearie Erin thnx for the gift & to others thnx for sanggup turun padang penat2 eventgh bru blik keje semata2 nk celebrate my besday..i'm really appreciate it.. =]

and also to my best frnz at Ausie, thnx for being sorry not able to celebrate my besday together..aku paham ko dok jauh, x yah sedih2..besday ko nant pun mybe we unable to clbrte too..unless u blik m'sia..

..again, thnx guys for wonderful & meaningful wishes..!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

.: cOcKrOaCh?? :. tue2 ckp x elok percaya horoskop atau tilikan2 tarikh lahir & segala bagai..kurafat nanti kalo percaya benda tu, itu aku x salahkan kalo juz baca..tambah pengetahuan..(pengetahuan la sngt..!! hehe)

x salah rasanyer nk compare ckit2 ngn kehidupan seharian kita kan..hehe, bkn ape..juz nk tau sejauh mana ketepatan ramalan diorng we know ourself better rite?? for TODAY..

mesti korg pelik nape tetiba aku ckp psal ramalan/tilikan suma ni kan?? actly pgi td tgh2 bosan xde keje kt office, ada email masuk "LOOK UP YOUR BIRTHDAY"..diorg mengkategorikn beberapa period tarikh lahir kpd beberapa nama insects.. so aku saje je jenguk2 n birthday aku diwakili oleh "COCKROACH" below are the descriptions:

"...Quite contradictory to your name, you are a peace loving person.. You best try to avoid a situation wherein you are required to fight.. An outdoor person, you dislike sitting at one place for a long duration. You are a born leader, and have it in you how to tactfully derive work from people. You love being loved, and when you receive your share of limelight from someone, you are all theirs!!!! Well, well...Hence some people could even take an advantage, flatter you to the maximum and get their work done. So be careful..." laen busy wat keje, aku hampir terlena tatkala xde keje, hehe..

p/s: huhu, byk2 serangga lipas gak yg aku enjoy reading, nk tau korg punyer??gv ur birthday date..i'allah aku tolong ramalkan..haha =p