again..i been tagged & now its
ERIN's turn..
to describe 25 things about myself..hurmm..quite difficult i think, to express me myself thru words/sentence..lagi suka kalo org nilai diri kita dulu..hehe
ini arahan nyer..
'Once you have been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, fact, habits, or goal about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tagged the person who tagged you. If I tag you, its because i want to know more about you. But before that you have to name your entry 'Tag Membawa Padah' oke !
1. my full name; muhammad asrul nizam ahmad & 24 yrs old..[for those yg belum tau kay..!! =p]
2. the youngest from 2 siblings[ckap bongsu sudey..hehe] & the only son in my family..
3. anak mak or anak ayah??i think balance..i need to be fair, wlpun i actually rapat ngn my mum..but at the same tyme, i ttp jaga hati my dad..
4. makanan kegemaran: suma berkaitan ngn daging..!!sup daging, bbq daging & etc; evrytyme blik mum will provde 2-3 kg daging for x yah nk cbuk2 g pasar beli..hehe
5. minuman kegemaran: apa2 jer xcept kopi..x suka kopi, but i like nescaffe..kt umah kalo my mum teringin nk minum kopi, then akan ada 2 jenis air for breakfast..!! one for me (teh ‘o’ /sanquick suam) & kopi for them..
shopaholic & fashion x seberani
cik emelia tok menggayakn..hehe, but i’ll try one day soon..hehe, sngt suka gaya2 anuar zain & awal ashaari..simple but yet elegance..!!
7. fussy: i think i'm not, but my frenz called me the most fussiest person in the earth..hehe, yeke??rsanyer sama jer cam org2 laen..!!anyhow sorry =)
8. dream cather??rasanye suma org nk kejar impian masing2, x terkecuali aku..impian aku nak maju dlm kerjaya dan dlm masa yg sama miliki empayar perniagaan yg kukuh..2 dlm 1, iállah..
9. hanya mengenali erti best frenz semasa di UNIVERSITY..b4 dis x penah ada best frnz..!!but now i do & thnx alot my frnz for being such a gud frenz of me..!!
10. LOVE..??for now i’m single n mingle around..belum ada yg serius..!!terima x alasan tu??haha, nk kata memilih, x senang cter belum ada yg seswai dan saling memahami..mgkin ada tp kita x tau..tunggu je masa yg seswai, iállah adalah tu jodoh yg telah dijanjikan..
11. love at first sight??NEVER..!!sejujurnyer aku bkn org yg mcm tu..take tyme, kna kenal btol2 dulu, then baru leh wat decision..huhu
12. gila kereta..kalo duit juta2 an, nk sngt memiliki Porsche Cayman S & Bentley Spur..hehe, impian nk tinggi doakan ek, amin..!!! bdw, for now i setia ngn my BLACK CITY..auuwww..!!
13. suka sngt warna hijau..!!but so far xde sngt baju or accessories warna hijau, nway aku ttp suka tgok warna hijau..GO GREEN..!!
14. nk sngt rombak my closet, since my close frenz ckp my baju warna spesen jer..xde variety..!!okay nvrmind i’ll work on it soon.. =)
15. peminat fanatic anak2 pak zain..!! yeah i LUVE you Ziana Zain & Anuar Zain..x sabar nk tunggu kemunculan album baru diorg..!!
16. i love photo..but i prefer org ambil gambr i rather than ambil gambar org..hehe sorry..!! (bertimbum lagi gmbar tyme belajar x cuci & album kan..x bleh jadi ni)..
17. sangat sukakan teater compared to movie, but lately i missed alot of teater show..!!kekangan masa i, dis year i berjaya tgok 2 movie je kt wayang!!bangga x..
18. aku sebenarnyer sngt pemalu org suma org x kan percaya kalo aku ckp aku pemalu..but siyes guys..!!trust me, i’m not as confidence as i’m..but eventually i’ll try to work on it..x semua part yg aku x confidence, ada la certain2 case..hehe
19. paling x suka bila org kuarkn statement..’pompuan x berapa nk suka ko sb ko high maintenance..!!’..hello aku laki..kalo pompuan high maintenance btol la laki perlu riso, ni laki okay..!!kalo high maintenance sekalipun guna duit sndri apa..pompuan x bg nafkah kat laki..huhu, sorry ter “emo” ckit..!!hehe =p
20. teringin nk naikan berat badan, tp belum berjaya.. =( tp part yg nk maintain plak yg x bleh jd nie..jom EXERCISE!!
21. sngt susah nk ckap NO kalo org minta tolong or bnda2 sewaktu dgnnyer..hakikat nyer makan diri sndiri..come on asrul..berubah dari sekarg..!!
22. sangat suka kasut & watch..!!mahu jdkn 2 bnda ni as my personal collection..
23. kadang2 i’m thinking too much..n ada sampai pkir yg bukan2..but i’m glad of having frenz yg berjaya tarik i kuar dr belengu be honest i think i should thinking too much at least for my future planning..!!am i right??
24. owh no..!!i’m addicted to social network..such fb & twitter..poor me..!!
25. rasanyer hampir/lebih sebulan then baru i berjaya completekn 25 or to be exact 24 things about myself..siyes xde idea nk tulis hasilnyer ala kadar jer as above..enjoy reading n know a bit about myself..
perlu tag 25 org termasuk penge”tag”..??okay saya akan tag erin & rakan2 pembaca tegar blog saya..!!here you are: emeliakontesa, marinata, dhiya, dot3, m3, ayeen, hannan, kak ona, tina & etc ek..kalo ada sape terasa nk wat tag ni silakan..anggap la aku da tag korg..hehe