Tuesday, June 28, 2011
.: ciNta tEraGuNG :.
Monday, June 27, 2011
.: oN beiNg a bEst maN :.

never thought in my life, one day I’ll be holding a “kipas” and standing next to a couple on their big day..maybe for some, that will be their childhood routine of playing ‘kawen-kawen’ with their kindergarten frenzs. But for me, my childhood is juz playing indoor; coz I was quite closeted back then.
and now, here comes my best frenz wedding where I could not resist his request to be his best-man for his big day..fadzwan a.k.a rashid is my senior who’s married to yatie; also a good frenz of mine-where we met at 2nd college, during our sophomore years back in University Malaya.
It was kind of experience!! to tell you the truth, how excited i am to be part of their big day and at the same tyme I feel really nervous of what will happened on d day itself. I’ve never imagined this thing would happen to me. It was a mixed feeling actually.

I soon realize that planning a wedding ain’t a hanky panky stuff. It WAS hard!! yatie’s from perak, where her family holds a strong traditional wedding customs. And for me - from a best-man perspective, I found it quite delicate and yet hard to see such customs been practice nowadays. Great experience gained!!

Every details restricted by this ‘pantang-larang’; from the way you smile, how you sit & walk, your sitting posture, et cetera were taken into account. For a 1st timer like me, I found it hard to practice those things in a short time; but I believed there always a reason behind everything; especially with the old customs that our ancestors practiced and keep passing it from generation to generation. As people always say “dengar cakap orang tue-tue”..meaning, u juz nod without questioning!! LOL =)