Saturday, January 10, 2009

..hiDup kaDaNg2 mEmEniNgKaN..

lately..i'm so tired being thinking of things dat i really2 dun understand for..byk sangat dugaan yg nk kena hadapi n lepasi..myb bcoz of me too..all dis happen..

ya la kan..x kan nk salahkan org lain hanya krn hidup kita yg pusing!!supposely, go back to d previous, then think, what was happened b4..myb got somthing wrong smwhre..if not, how come, all d worst come to me..

as my frenz said, i'm juz like "thiking too much" person..i'm taking all the small part of prob n make it as a real big prob..if it is true, then how to solve it..myb i'm thinking too much bcoz i dun really understand what was happend and kot2 ada "udang disebalik mee"..mana kita tahu fikiran kita sndr yg kena rungkaikan setiap permasalahan itu..

n as time goes by, mmg kdg2 susah nk jawab setiap persoaln yg cuba kita leraikan..sekuat manapun kita, adakalanya kecundang juga..smtimes our spirit is way up high, n smtimes it is down to bottom..[pnjm ayat ni ek (^-^)]..nak x nak..proceed, peningkan kepala setakat yg termampu..

n hopefully, i got all d answer i need soon..n i think berterus terang lebih baik drp hanya memberi hint or clue yg susah org nk tafsirkan..facing each other is better to solve d prob than we juz keep each other with distance..

whether it can be or not, its depends on u to judge it..its juz my opinion..juz what i'm hoping 4..settle it and no more pusing2..haih!!!!


Anonymous said...

"..n i think berterus terang lebih baik drp hanya memberi hint or clue yg susah org nk tafsirkan.." d end dats d best way...counting too d WAY u bterus-terang...
neway, d pusing2 n penin2 things dat keep ur life goin rite?=P
untill 1 level u'll say thnx 4 givin u a chance handling+facing such prob n xperience to learn real life meaning~peace!
then,lets live a happy+better life! hohoh~=D

ATIE said...

kite ni nk puaskan hati semua org ni susah sgt2..memang susah la. tiap org tu ade perangai masing2..
dan ko tu jgnla terlalu fikirkan sgt2..mende kecik pon ko nk pk lebih2. padahal xde pape pon.,..(cm aku la kdg2) jadi setkan dlm minda ko, pk mende ape yg betul2 penting untuk difikirkan..jgn semak2 kan kepala fikir mende2 yg ko xyah pk...kalo ade 10 org yg ade 'udang di sebalik mee' tu ko nk pkkan ape..penatla wei...

tula hujah dr aku yang xbape pandai ni...

time kasih..hee

K-RuN said...

"smtimes our spirit is way up high, n smtimes it is down to bottom.."

yup...there's up and down in our life...

so, we must be ready enough to face any possibilities dat could happen..
<--peringatan ini sy tujukan wat diri sy sendiri...

i've learnt lot of things here...

p/s: i know u can do it!!jia you!!!
(^_^)cheer up ur life...isn't dat wat u always said to me...

asrulnizam said...

yeah my frenz..
thanx a lot 4 d support..
i'll try to help myself out from all dis silly prob..huhu
no matter what, i'll try my best..

p/s: ayeen, dun worry i'll keep my word!!yeah!!cheer up ourself!!